SQL Server的版權有兩種形式:

1. Per CPU (不管有多少使用者連上資料庫主機,都以主機上面的CPU顆數計算,但最近的CPU雙核技術,怎麼計算呢?Microsoft 目前還是以實體的CPU計算,也就是說一個實體的CPU,但有雙核心,還是收取一顆CPU的費用,不過Oracle的收費就是以核心計算,以前面的例子,Oracle是收取兩顆CPU的費用。)

2. Per User (指同一時間內最大的連線數,如果資料庫主機同一時間內最多只有10User同時上線,那只要買10 User的連線版權就好,但Web的環境可能就要注意了,在Web的環境下,實際上的連線人數應該只有一人,因為是採用匿名連線,那是不是不用買那麼多的版權呢? 經某人打電話詢問 Microsoft,Microsoft的答案是"有幾個人用browser在連,就要買幾個版權",這個答案可能連很多 Microsoft 自己的 ISV 都不知道吧,看下面的版權宣告會清楚些。)

Sometimes organizations develop network scenarios that use various forms of hardware and/or software that reduce the number of devices or users that directly access or utilize the software on a particular server, often called multiplexing or pooling hardware or software. For example, say a client PC is using a server application that calls the Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) component of Microsoft Windows® 2000 Server on one server, which in turn pulls data from a Microsoft SQL Server database on another server. In this case, the only direct connection to Microsoft SQL Server is coming from the server running MTS. The client PC has a direct connection to the server running MTS, but also has an indirect connection to SQL Server because it is ultimately retrieving and using the SQL Server data through MTS. Use of such multiplexing or pooling hardware and/or software does not reduce the number of CALs required in order to access or utilize SQL Server software. A CAL is required for each distinct device or user to the multiplexing or pooling software or hardware front end. If, in the above example, 50 PCs were connected to the MTS server, 50 SQL Server Device CALs would be required. This is true no matter how many tiers of hardware or software exist between the SQL Server and the client devices that ultimately use its data, services or functionality.

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